Showing 21 - 30 of 78 items

Impostor Syndrome: Is it real or just a fad of our times?

What is Impostor Syndrome? Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, fraud syndrome, perceived fraudulence, or impostor experience) describes high-achieving individuals who, despite their objective successes, fail to internalize their accomplishments and have persistent self-doubt and...

The new Scrum Guide 2020 is out! A ‘Welcome’ blog

I was reading rumors from time to time about the new Scrum Guide. Rumors are over, the new 2020 Guide is finally out! And guess what; it is 16 pages shorter compared to the previous version! Minimal, shrinked and lightweight. I am going to be honest. My impressions are mixed, primarily excited but...

Celebrating #CodeWeek 2020

Starting from the very core of our products and services, coding is the cell of everything we do. It is the key to effectiveness in every technology aspect, from sending an email to implementing critical and large-scale projects. #IntrasoftPeople are passionate and coding enthusiasts, two elements...

Virtual Coffee Series

The Virtual Coffee Series will be an ongoing, unsponsored, informal online event. People from across INTRASOFT International will meet, greet and share experiences over their continuing Agile journeys. No scripts, no fixed agendas. Just friends sharing stuff. If we manage to get a sponsor we might...

The importance of the Architect role when being Agile

Being an Architect at INTRASOFT International has always been a challenging role, a profile with special capabilities, experience, a role that reveals respect. Architects have strong technical knowledge and skills and try to keep control, bring solutions and function as ‘orchestrators’. Do you...

Let’s talk about SRE or…

Why it is important to write good code! First there was Waterfall, then Agile… and then DevOps and now there is SRE (Site Reliability Engineering)… But what is SRE? There is no official definition but we use what Ben Treynor (VP Engineering @Google) quoted: “ SRE is what happens when a S/W Engineer...

Digital Transformation for SACCOs after Covid-19

Transforming members’ experience “SACCOs have to embrace digitization to provide services to their members through digital channels, during the ongoing global Coronavirus pandemic”. It has never been this obvious to us, how important digitization is….” Dr. Brian Branch President of World Council of...

Cloud Computing in a nutshell

Cloud computing has become the platform for the new, global digital transformation stage we have entered to not only for our countries, governments and companies but also for each one of us. Our phone contacts, photos and messages are stored in cloud data centers. Music and videos are being...

Virtual Coffee Series

The Virtual Coffee Series will be an ongoing, unsponsored, informal online event. People from across INTRASOFT International will meet, greet and share experiences over their continuing agile journeys. No scripts, no fixed agendas. Just friends sharing stuff. If we manage to get a sponsor we might...

The Agile Project Politician

More often than not I get the feeling of transforming into a politician. All agile undertakings I dealt with so far, start with convincing, continue with convincing, and conclude with convincing. It is all about selling your truth, only you are a bit shifted toward the future. You kind of see what...