Showing 51 - 60 of 78 items

Change is happening

Change is happening. Change is now, tomorrow. Change is everywhere. But take a minute to ask yourselves. What is really changing? What is shifting? Our tools perhaps? Processes? Mindset? Can we go as far to say culture? But wait... If we look around, we still see the same bunch of people. A few...

An INTRASOFT International experience with MEUS

Right now, I’m on a plane from Budapest back to Athens. That’s one of the many things I love about working at INTRASOFT International, a by all means international company. A company that takes me to new places. Well, I’ve never been to Budapest but that’s not the point here. For the past 2 years I...

Innovate or Die! But, can you?

Mail adds for services which promise to maximize the chances for corporate innovation success are becoming the nowadays spam. The last one to hit my mailbox begun with: “For any growth-oriented enterprise or business, accelerating entrepreneurship and innovation is a top priority…”. That is supposed...

The fellowship of the Ring

“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in oblivion bind them” I am pretty much sure this catch phrase brings back a lot of memories, at least to all you cinephiles out there, just like me! I took the liberty of paraphrasing it just a bit (darkness replaced...

One size doesn’t fit all, but then what?

In this digital transformation era, companies are striving hard to prepare teams that yield predictable outcomes and provide software that satisfies the timelines and demands of the user. Today, following Agile practices and methodologies has become a kind of norm for such teams to meet the business...

Engaging men in the gender diversity conversation

A question was asked recently at the launch of the IFC/World Bank Publication, "Trailblazers: Portraits of Female Leadership in Emerging and Frontier Markets" in Accra, Ghana: - How can we engage men in the gender diversity conversation so that it is seen as a win-win proposition and help accelerate...

Investing in women’s leadership makes good business sense

An incident in my earlier career. I had just been appointed Office Manager in a Danish company in Uganda, after being with the company for about a year. My initial role had been to train the company’s customers on the use of a computerized accounting package the company sold. I had a Degree in...

Agile Survival Guide

Working with Agile can be a daunting task. One may find himself overwhelmed by new processes, daily events and constant deliverables. Agile has been a buzzword in software engineering for almost two decades now, yet it is still quite a challenge for any newcomer to adopt, be that as a team or an...

Why to invest in Test Automation

What is Software Testing? Software Testing is a process that takes place throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). In Software Testing we check whether the actual results of a software match the expected results. During software testing we find bugs or discrepancies with customer...